Saturday, May 28, 2011

Midnight Facebook Suprise

So today I found a little surprise waiting for me when I checked my Facebook.  I had a message from one of Stephen's coaches, Tim Ogard. This man means alot to Stephen. He taught him alot of what he knows now about baseball and was a great influence for Stephen growing up.  Well he read my blogpost (hopefully he didn't watch our embarrassing music video) about Esteban and liked it so much that he sent me a message telling me how much he loved Stephen and what a great player he was back in the day. (you still are babe) But I loved this so much I had to record it somewhere for time and all eternity. Hence the blog post. Here is a small part of what he said:

"Your friends at BYU have seen him make many great catches out in Center Field. He was doing that when he was 13 on a regular basis. He was awarded "Defensive player of the Tournament" on several occasions. We often played on Junior High fields where there were no outfield fences. When centerfield ran out, there was the football field and it just went on for ever. Stephen would run down balls and catch them no matter how far they were hit, he amazed us many times. We used to play tournaments up near the Canadian border, there was a field where with an uphill slant, out beyond where it was thought a ball could be hit. One time, a ball got hit way out there, and Stephen ran right up that hill and caught it. It was a dangerous thing to have that hill there when a guy is going that fast, and he made it look like an easy catch. Back in those days, he looked just like he does now going after a ball, only he was shorter!!!"

My question to Tim is did he have the same hockey temper back when he was 13? I bet he did.

Tim was also kind enough to send me some cute pictures of little Esteban back in the day.

                                                    (His the cutie with the grey cutoff shirt)

I have come to realize that I was pretty smart about marrying Stephen. I have no talents whatsoever. Remember back in the day in school when they asked you to list your talents. Here is what my list probably looked like:
"I talk. alot."
"I eat. alot"
"Did I already say I talk alot?"
Well thanks to Stephen maybe one of our kids will be the next Babe Ruth (minus the extra pounds) and he'll buy me a house on the beach and I can live the rest of my life drinking pina coladas while laying on a hammock under a palm tree. Have I mentioned how Utah forgot it was summer?

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